ABC Focus feature list

Strategic Focus features list

Activities are entered.

Activity based costing solution.

Activity cost pools.

Activity dictionary.


Amounts for cost lines are entered or imported.

Audit trails are built in.

Backup procedures.

Bring in cost objects from another model.

Capital: assign to pools.

Categories are available.

Check routine to ensure outputs equal inputs.

Compare costs and margins between costing models. Comparative analysis.

Composite cost objects.

Consolidations are included.

Cost breakdown.

Cost drivers entered or imported.

Cost is calculated.

Cost lines.

Cost objects.

Cost of capital: impact on costs.

Cost of objects, activity cost pools and processes.

Cost pools.

Cost pool drivers.

Costing model.

Data entry is flexible.


Direct and indirect costs.

Division and company costing analysis.

Driver allocation and weightings.

Employees and on-costs.

Employee summary.

Excel and ASCII import and export capability included.

Expenses are entered or imported.

Export and import capabilities are extensive.

Graphs are built in.

Help available on each field. Customizable by user.

Hours analysis.

Impact of changes on unit costs.

Implementation of output budget.

Import and export included.

Import from general ledger.

Indirect costs.

Investment analysis.

Line allocations.

Link models.

Login via password.

Map for easy access.

Margin analysis.

Marginal cost analysis.

Market analysis.

Materials are entered.


Network or PC versions available.

Notes capability.

On costs.


Output budget calculations.

Password protection

Per unit calculations.

Performance reported of actual v budget.

Pool allocations.

Primary cost pools.

Print or export reports.

Process analysis and view.

Process audit trails.

Process categories and reports.

Process costing.

Product are costed.

Quantities entered and calculated.

Resource drivers.

Reports are extensive and well presented.

Resources and resource consumption.

Revenue capabilities.

Salaries and wages.

Secondary cost pools.

Sensitivity analysis.

Services are costed.

Short-term fixed capability.

Terminology can be customized.

Tertiary cost pools.

Trace hours and units through model.

Tracker abilities.

Tutorial is included.

Unit of measure can be entered.

Underlying costs.

Unused capacity.

Usage of materials, expenses, facilities and people.

Value-adding activity cost pools.

Verify capabilities.

View results on screen, graphically and in reports.

Wastage is measured and managed.

Weighting capabilities.

What-if analysis.

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