Error on starting or installing the software
a) Cannot communicate with Machnm1.exe!
b) c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.
c) Can’t run 16-bit Windows program
The latest versions of our software tools are all 32 bit applications. One or two users have reported the above error when starting the software.
An internet search on the above phrase shows that it is common in a wide range of situations and there are several suggested solutions.
How to fix:
Note: We use C:\WINDOWS in the notes below, but on some systems the folder may be called C:\WINNT. Substitute as necessary when following these instructions.
Solution 1
Firstly, see if you have the following files in your C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory.
If these files are missing:
Right-click on the link below. Then choose: Save target as (or Save Link as):
Important: use the right-click on your mouse, not the left-click!
Right-click here to get file File name is:
Save this file into a temporary folder. Then unzip it and copy the two files: Machnm32.sys and Machnm64.sys into your C:\WINDOWS\system32 directory.
Start the software. The problem should be resolved. If not, reboot your PC, then start the software. The problem should now be resolved.
If there is still the same problem, read on for further solutions.
Solution 2: Microsoft has a fix for it.
Research on this issue on the Microsoft site and other places suggests the following solutions.
Reason for error: A file (Autoexec.nt) in your operating system is faulty or missing.
Easy fix:
1. Look at the C:\ WINDOWS\System32 directory. If there is a file called Autoexec.nt here, rename it to something else.
2. Look in the C:\ WINDOWS\Repair directory. You will probably find that Windows had automatically made a backup copy of Autoexec.nt, so just copy this file into your C:\WINDOWS\System32 directory. The problem will now probably be fixed. (You should reboot and then start the software again).
Alternative solutions:
Note: If you can’t find a copy of the missing file (Autoexec.nt) in your Repair directory, use your original Windows CDROM to get the missing files. (You may also be able to get it from another PC running the same operating system).
At the command prompt type the following commands:
expand e:\i386\autoexec.nt_ c:/windows/system32/autoexec.nt
Substitute “e:\” for your CD-ROM driver letter, and “c:\windows” for where your OS is located.
Microsoft’s solution:
Microsoft has a fix for this issue. Here is a link to Microsoft’s fix:-;en-us;324767
Other comments found on the internet that may be useful:-
Comment 1:
The autoexec.nt file needs to be replaced. You can copy this file from your Windows XP CDROM. Go to a command prompt (Start/Run/cmd), making sure your CDROM is in the drive. Then type in:
expand d:\i386\autoexec.nt c:\windows\system32\ (note that I am assuming your cd drive is “d”, if not then substitute with the correct drive letter, also note that there is a space before c:\…..)
Press enter after you type in the command and you should see the file being copied.
If it does not copy, try this command:
expand c:\windows\repair\autoexec.nt c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt
Press enter. Hope that helps!
Comment 2:
Customer is getting a message when he tries to open MYOB “C:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt”
The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications.
Choose close to exit. Tried this: Copied C:\windows\repair\autoexec.nt to C:\windows\system32 Re-ran Application and was able to get in and everything looked ok.
Comment 3:
Try replacing autoexec.nt again, but this time, right click autoexec.nt, select properties, and select “read only”, click ok.
Comment 4:
It’s because one of the following files is missing from \WINNT\System32:
- Config.nt
- Autoexec.nt
Check to see that these files are there. If not, expand them from the install CD and copy them to \WINNT\System32 They’ll be in the \I386 folder as Config.nt_ autoexec.nt_ command.co_ From a command prompt window, type Expand /? to get instructions for using Expand