ABC Focus maintenance plan


Prices are in Australian dollars. Click the BUY NOW button to pay in other currencies.
Customers in Australia will have GST added. Customers elsewhere may have Sales Tax, VAT or GST added as required by your country’s laws.

PC installation

per user
$ 1,300
  • ABC Focus running on PC
  • Duration 12 months
  • Product support by email
  • Same version updates.

Network installation

per user
$ 1,500
  • ABC Focus running on network
  • Duration 12 months
  • Product support by email
  • Same version updates.

Maintenance plans offer support and free same version updates. The version numbers of the products consist of an integer followed by a decimal point and some digits e.g. 5.003.
All same version upgrades will retain the original integer but the digits to the right of the point will change. Users with maintenance plans enjoy free access to all same version updates when they are released. When there is a major rewrite the integer will change. This is a next version upgrade and an upgrade fee is charged to purchase the next major version. To begin a maintenance plan, a user must purchase an upgrade to the current version if their purchased version is not current.

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