ABC Focus (version 4) Network edition

Activity based costing software

Download package  (SetupABCNet.exe 22 mb)

How to download
Right-click on the link above. Then choose: Save target as or Save link as:

Tip: To download, use the right-click on your mouse, not the left-click!
(Instructions are below)

1. Download the file above into a temporary directory.

2. Add the file you were sent by email into the same temporary directory.

3. Run SetupABCNet.exe to install


Before you install the software, ensure that the two installation files (SetupABCNet.exe and are in the same folder. Installation is straightforward – run the SetupABCNet.exe file and answer the prompts.

After installing, start the program by double clicking on the ABC Focus icon. You will be asked to register. At this point please contact customer support for your registration code.

If you have any queries please let me know.

We wish you all success with ABC Focus 4.

Yours sincerely

Cyril Baskir