Business Budgeting and Forecasting Software

Visual Cash Focus business budgeting and forecasting software enables the modeling of likely outcomes of future trading. Standard double entry accounting has long been used to monitor financial business performance in arrears. Visual Cash Focus uses the same traditional double entry method to estimate future business performance.

Visual Cash Focus is a business budgeting software tool that simulates the trading of your business to work out the budget. You supply the starting balance sheet and an estimate of revenue, cost of sales, expenses, other income, tax and dividends if applicable.

You can also supply: fixed asset schedules, overdraft arrangements, lease and hire purchase payments, long term loans and inventory requirements.

Your information is used to predict the expected cash flow, net income/ profit, bank balance, accounts receivable and payable, Inventory levels, balance sheet, income statement / profit and loss account and financial ratios at the end of each period.

You will find that:

  •  You get an accurate result quickly & easily. Visual Cash Focus can get you to an answer in perhaps an hour or less from start to finish for a new forecast.
  •  Periods are not restricted to monthly; they can be weekly, fortnightly, daily, quarterly, annually, etc.
  •  Profit centers are built-in and available for use if required.
  •  Budgets can be for both financial and non-financial items… e.g. number of hotel rooms.
  •  For transactions involving cash flow funds can be directed to any bank, accounts receivable or payable accounts via the setting up of cash flow profiles
  •  User journals are available to extend the capability of the program almost infinitely.
  •  You can communicate with your favorite spreadsheet if desired.
  •  Any number of models can be consolidated.
  •  Results can be reported in any currency. Fixed and variable exchange rates are catered for.
  •  All figures are verifiable; in the balance sheet, income statement / profit and loss account, or cash flow statement the underlying general ledger for any figure is readily available to verify the amount.
  • “What-if” scenarios are great for modeling the impact of projected changes on your operations and testing alternative financing situations
  • It is simple to compare Actuals to Budget or Forecast
  • The relationship between profit and cash flow is clearly visible.
  • Rolling forecasts make the annual budget process easy. Each time the model is rolled it copies the last period out for the managers to review and make any changes. If periods are monthly after 12 rollovers you have the next years data without the need for another major budget round.

Unlike spreadsheet-based systems, the accuracy and integrity of Visual Cash Focus  results are not in doubt.

Standard double entry accounting is used to generate the budget and this provides quick and simple budget auditing. Calculations are done automatically. Models are immune to staff changes as the budget is created using traditional accounting techniques – unlike a spreadsheet budget, which is often complicated and depends upon the person who created it..

Visual Cash Focus offer astoundingly comprehensive budgeting, forecasting and management reporting capability all in one place. It is affordable, scalable and easily implemented.

Quite simply Visual Cash Focus is the best single solution for budgeting forecasting and management reporting. It is cost effective and comprehensive.  It will satisfy the  budgeting and reporting requirements of any entity. It has the depth to satisfy your business budgeting and forecasting requirements.


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