Software trials
The Cash Focus business financial management tools are a software suite concentrating on ensuring a successful future. Each of the products address areas of future strategic planning to ensure financial viability and a successful sustainable business in years to come. The products are independent units and can be used individually. The most popular entry point is budgeting and forecasting followed by a migration to the activity based costing and financial statement analysis.
Click on the product required to request a trial.
Budgets forecasts and management reporting
Visual Cash Focus
Looking for a professional budgeting solution to make budget creation and management reporting easier, quicker and more accurate? Budgeting and Forecasting, Consolidation, Actuals, What-if Analysis and Management Reporting all in 1 place!
Business valuations and financial analysis
Strategic Focus
Determine the efficiency of a company’s balance sheet using DuPont financial analysis techniques, Economic profit and Free Cash Flow analysis.
An invaluable asset for strategic planning and value based management.
Activity based costing
ABC Focus
Want a competitive pricing advantage?
Compete on pricing from a position of strength knowing the real costs of your products, services, processes, activities and unused capacity.