Fix driver allocation table

When I go to a driver allocation, it tells me table CDV has one or more non-structural indexes open. This will fix it

Fix for: table CDV has one or more non-structural indexes open.


How to download the file: fixcd.exe

Right-click on the link below. Then choose: Save target as: (or Save Link As…)

Important: use the right-click on your mouse, not the left-click!

Right-click here to get the fix File name is: fixcd.exe 11 kb


Copy it into the problem model. For example, in the picture below, the problem model is fixabc2. It is in the Models folder under ABC3.

Double-click the fixcd file and run it.

The problem model should now work.

Open the model and get to the map.. Then choose Reindex.

reindex the activity based costing model